Writing / entry /

Giving Nuxt Content a Try

One of the primary reasons I exited the WordPress space for my personal portfolio and blog was because of a series of hacks to my hosted installation. No matter what I tried to do to harden it, there was always some path to exploitation.

At the same time as all of this was going on, I was also diving head first into the world of Vue and Nuxt at work. Going with a solution like this for a personal project seemed like such a natural path towards professional development, and a safe solution for ditching WordPress. No offense to WordPress—it can be great and I miss the writing experience—but I just couldn't continue to fix a constant hack that probably shouldn't have been happening.

How to Handle Content

Quite frankly, one of the most difficult decisions I made was to just jettison everything from a content perspective and to start fresh (although, you'll see on the site some of that old content back in action). I think I'd been posting periodically since about 2006 on this very domain. That is a LONG time, and a lot of SEO potential I just scrapped.

As I found myself more interested in this development direction, and the notion of static site generators, I figured a simple markdown implementation would suit me just fine.

Unfortunately, that was no small task with Nuxt. With Gatsby or even Gridsome, you get solutions out of the box for some of these content needs, which is fantastic. Nuxt wasn't exactly built with documention/post content in mind, I suspect.

In either case, solutons were available for adding Markdown support with my installation, it was just a bit of a mysterious and involved process trying to track down solutions. I ended up settling on a particular module and edited nuxt.config.js to add it.

module.exports = {
  build: {
    extend(config, ctx) {
        test: /\.md$/,
        use: ['raw-loader']

From there, adding front matter support and then route generation to the config file was a little goofy. The whole thing felt a little hacked together, to be honest. Especially in comparison to the previously mentioned frameworks that included all of this out of the box.

import path from 'path'
/* eslint-disable */
const glob = require('glob')
const hljs = require('highlight.js')
const md = require('markdown-it')({
  html: true,
  highlight: function(str, lang) {
    if (lang && hljs.getLanguage(lang)) {
      try {
        return hljs.highlight(lang, str).value
      } catch (__) {}

    return '' // use external default escaping
/* eslint-enable */
let files = glob.sync( '**/*.md' , { cwd: 'articles' });

function getSlugs(post, _) {
  let slug = post.substr(0, post.lastIndexOf('.'));
  return `/${slug}`;

/* Generating routes */
module.exports = {
  generate: {
    routes: function() {
      return files.map(getSlugs)

Through some other wonderful magic in different pages and dynamic routes, I got it all functional. And then I just stopped trying to write using this system. It felt messy, cumbersome, and not fun. It made me miss WordPress.

Nuxt Content

I was pretty close to giving up on this experiment entirely until I saw the release of Nuxt Content. It completely changed the game for me. I no longer needed to think about how to handle routes, tagging, etc. when it came to the content. I could rely on the system itself to make development and writing a breeze.

And that is basically where we are today. Check out this function and pay particular attention to how easy it is to fetch content types with this system.

async asyncData({ $content, params }) {
    try {
      const writing = await $content('writing', params.slug).fetch()

      const [prev, next] = await $content('writing')
        .only(['date', 'slug'])
        .sortBy('date', 'asc')

      return {
    } catch (err) {
      /* eslint-disable */
      console.debug('No Post:', err)
      /* eslint-enable */
      return false

Pretty damn easy if you ask me.

I tried to use Forestry previously for writing content (missing the writing experience of WordPress and all), but I never could get that workflow to stick. Right now I'm happily typing away in VS Code, which suites me just fine.

We'll see how long I can maintain enthusiasm.